Supporting Islington Residents


Supporting Islington residents

How to support us

Many Islington residents have been adversely affected by the cost of living crisis - physically, financially, socially and emotionally. Islington is the 6th most deprived local authority in London.

We work with residents to find solutions to the issues that they are facing and empower them to set and reach new goals. To help us make a difference to the lives of the most disadvantaged, vulnerable and isolated people in Islington we need your support now, more than ever.

Your support will help us to continue

getting in touch with Islington’s most vulnerable and isolated residents

keep our phone and email helpline open to provide support to people facing financial hardship and other challenges

provide up to date health and wellbeing information, advice and events

expand our befriending and crisis support for isolated residents.


You can raise funds for our work by

Making a donation >

Fundraising for us >

Supporting us through Give as You Live to raise free
donations when you do your usual online shopping >

Supporting us through Amazon Smile to raise free
donations when you shop with Amazon >

Our dedicated team of staff and volunteers will ensure every pound makes a difference to the most vulnerable and isolated people in Islington.

If you would like to talk to us before making your donation, discuss a large donation or how you can support our work in other ways please contact Ken Kanu, Director by email at


For Volunteers Week in 2020 our staff put together the following video to thank all of our 75 wonderful volunteers - many of whom have joined us to help support Islington residents during the Coronavirus crisis.

Our funders