Access our services
Help for yourself
If you want to find out whether we can help you please contact us.
Help for your friend, neighbour or relative
If you think that we can help your friend, neighbour or relative please contact us. We will be able to talk to you about the person if we can confirm that they have given you permission to contact us. The easiest way to confirm this is to phone us when you are with them, so we can quickly talk to them to get their permission.
If we cannot be sure that you have permission to talk to us on behalf of your friend, neighbour or relative we will still be able to talk to you in general terms and give some initial information, but we will not be able to take any of their personal information.
Help for a client
If you volunteer or work for an organisation in Islington and think that we can provide information or support to one of your clients please contact us. We will be able to talk to you about your client if we can confirm that they have given you permission to contact us. The easiest way to confirm this is to phone us when you are with them, so we can quickly talk to them to get their permission.
If we cannot be sure that you have the client’s permission to talk to us we will still be able to talk to you in general terms and give some initial information, but we will not be able to take any of their personal information.