Deaths and funerals

Deaths and funerals

What to do when someone dies, wills, funerals and coping with bereavement

Deaths and funerals

AgeUK - information on arranging a funeral in the current coronavirus crisis.

Applying for A Funeral Expenses Payment - you may be able to get help paying for a funeral if you are in receipt of certain benefits.

Bereavement Advice Centre offer practical information on what you need to do after a death. Their telephone helpline number is 0800 6349494.

CARIS Islington Loss and Trauma Project are offering counselling for any type of loss or trauma related to Covid 19 for those with a connection to Islington. Contact CARIS via email - or by phone - 02072815200

Citizens Advice information on wills.

Cruse Bereavement Care have information on dealing with bereavement and grief. Their helpline is open on Tel 0808 808 1677​ and email

Dignity Funerals have useful information on arranging a funeral during the coronavirus pandemic.

Funeral Directors in Islington - a list from the Funeral Directors Register.

Government guide to making a will.

Islington Bereavement Service is offering bereavement support from volunteers by telephone. For information email or Tel 020 33175774.

Money Saving Expert information on making low cost wills.

Registering a death if the person dies in Islington or an Islington hospital like Whittington hospital.

Registering the death if the person dies in Camden or a Camden hospital like UCH hospital

Tell us once service is offered by most local authorities on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). In most cases the registrar of death will offer you the Tell Us Once interview immediately after you have registered the death. The registrar will check with you which central and government services need to be notified. The notification is sent through immediately and you will be given a confirmation letter.

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