Bright Start support families in Islington with children who are under 5. Find out about their services and Children's Centres by visiting their website.
Centre 404 support people with learning disabilities and their families.
Childline offer support over the phone on 0800 1111 and their calm zone has calming activities for children.
Choices Islington offer help and support for women facing an unplanned pregnancy or other form of pregnancy crisis. They offer support and counselling over the phone and online. They can also offer befriending during pregnancy and can help with baby clothes and equipment, nappies and formula. Please email or call 07838304378.
Family Information Service is a telephone and web-based information and advice service for children, young people, their families and practitioners working with them. Currently offering a telephone helpline on 020 7527 5959 and an email service
Free school meal vouchers - the government has set up provision of vouchers for children eligible for free school meals when schools are closed due to Covid. Schools will contact parents and either issue a digital voucher or send a gift card. If you think your child is eligible but you have not heard from the school, you should contact your child's school.
Kinship is the national kinship care charity offering support and advice to grandparents, siblings or any other relative or friend who steps in to bring up children.
Islington Bereavement Service is offering bereavement support from volunteers by telephone only. For information, email or Tel 020 3317 5774.
Please see some other useful links and information for help with Childcare Costs here.
Islington Council - If you are concerned about the safety of children, you can call Islington Council’s Children's Services Contact Team on 020 7527 7400 or the Disabled Children's Team on 020 7527 3366. To report concerns about vulnerable adults, contact Islington's Access Service by telephone on 020 7527 2299 or email
Little Village are offering an essentials pack, clothing and moses basket/ mattress to families of newborn babies (mums 26 weeks or more pregnant and newborns up to 3 months old), and of children 3 months to 5 years with nothing (for example due to domestic violence rehoming or asylum). You have to be referred to them by another organisation for this help so contact us for more information.
Maa Shanti are offering online support to Asian single mothers and their children online activities include yoga, arts & crafts, support groups, mindfulness, vocabulary support groups and cooking club. They are also providing group support via WhatsApp. Please call 07340 990119 or 07904 034 278, Mon - Fri 9am - 3pm or email or
The Parent House is offering phone telephone support and a range of other services to parents. Please call 0207 837 1383. Please call 0207 527 7400 between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Rose Bowl (Isledon Arts CIC) is offering advice and support for young people who need it over the phone or on-line. Contact them on 07826 700 700.
The Toy Project can provide free toys to families in need. You have to be referred to them by another organisation for this help so contact us for more information.
Guides to help children and young people understand Black Lives Matters
Yoopies has put together a Parent's Guide to Black Lives Matter.
Guides to help children and young people understand Coronavirus
Covibook – an interactive resource designed to support and reassure children aged 7 and under. Designed to help children explain and draw the emotions that they might be experiencing during the pandemic.
Dr. Dog is a collaboration between illustrator Lydia Monks and Professor James G Logan from The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Dr. Dog was created as a friendly face who can educate and reassure young children about the Coronavirus outbreak.
Mencap's Easy Read guide to Coronavirus
Mind's guide to Coronavirus and wellbeing for young people.
Place2Be's guide to helping parents answer questions from their children and to support family wellbeing.
Young Minds' guide to talking to your child about Coronavirus and 10 tips from their Parents Helpline to support family wellbeing.